Welcome to Unexpected the only fanlisting approved by the ever so famous TheFanlistings.Org, for the BSG: 2003 couple Cally Henderson-Tyrol and her husband Galen Tyrol.A fanlisting is exactly what it sounds like. A list of fans of a certain character/couple/tv show/movie/person etc, come together to show their support. Unexpected is a fanlisting for the overlooked couple Cally and Galen Tyrol on the popular Sci-Fi Channel Origonal Show BSG ( or Battlestar Galactica) . Although Cally works for Galen, and their relationship has suffered many road bumps along the way, they are a lovely couple, and they deserve to be noticed more.


Opened:  August 2007

Updated: February 14th 2010

Pending Members:0

Members: 8

Owned By: Mithy



 February 14th , 2010 Happy Valentine

s DAY! :D  

October 10th 2009

Site has been transferred.